Maria José Nepomuceno is currently a Psychotherapist at Romão de Sousa Foundation. She Graduated in Clinical Psychology at ISPA University and is Member of the “Ordem” of Portuguese Psychologists. Psychotherapist trained by the Portuguese Society of Brief Psychotherapies (SPPB). She has completed the curricular component of her Master’s Degree in Philosophy, specialized in Ethics, Citizenship and Gender at the University of Évora. Maria José has professional experience in the rehabilitation and integration of people with intellectual disabilities. She undertook her first training course in Open Dialogue and Dialogical Practices in collaboration with the APOD Academy in London, supervised by the Institute of Dialogical Practice in New York. Maria José participated in the 12th Learning From Action in Italy. She also collaborated in Open Dialogue community projects of Romão de Sousa Foundation (Cidadãos Activ@s and Projeto “Voltar”). She is a certified trainer and helds voluntary management functions in non-governamental organizations.
5th International Mental Health Meeting of Romão de Sousa Foundation