Attedance face to face or online
Attedance face to face or online
José Romão de Sousa and João G. Pereira
09:35 Opening CeremonyRui Marques (Relational Lab)
Stay a while – the potential of Narrative Medicine in Slow Psychiatry, Diogo Ribeiro
Resil(sc)ience: A Research Project Framing Mental Health as a Human Right, Helena Carvalho
Democratic drug treatment in mental health: principles and practise, by Joanna Moncrieff, Division of Psychiatry, University College London
12:15 – 13:15 Panel Discussion 2 (Chair: Vitória de Melo)
The Escola com REDE project: Promoting mental health in higher education through a mentalizing lens, João Francisco Barreto
Pequi: A Brasilian experience with Open Dialogue, Mariana Puchivailo
Why the medical model of Psychosis is so unhelpful, by John Read, University of East London
Invited Speaker / Special Contribution: How to Create Compassionate and Relational Mental Health Services, by Russel Razzaque, North East London NHS Foundation Trust (Online)
João G. Pereira, Tiago Principe and João Costa Ribeiro (open to congress participants and to the public)
Scientific Posters
“Psychedelic-assisted Therapy in Eating Disorders”
Francisca Gomes
“Psychedelic-assisted Therapy in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: A Comprehensive Review”
Francisca Gomes
“Alternatives to physical restraint in hospitalized patients”
André Buinho
“Resignation Syndrome”: an example of refugee and asylum-seeking policies impact on mental health”
Filipa Ramalheira
“Virtual Reality in Anxiety-Related Disorders”
Bruno Lameiras
“Disorders of Intellectual Development: Psychiatry’s Contribute to a Societal Failure”
Nair Martins Seixas
“Green, the color of mental health: a review on natural environment and mental health”
Filipa Ramalheira
“Psychoeducational groups for psychotic disorders: a review of the evidence”
Catarina Desport
“Karl Jaspers’ Psychopathology and Psychiatry in the 21st Century”
Francisco Cunha
“Medical Assistance in dying – What about people with psychiatric disorders?”
Rita Dionísio
“Slow Psychiatry: Potential Benefits for Mental Health of Providers – a review”
Sara Martins Sousa
“Sunlight Exposure Benefits for Inpatients in Acute Psychiatric Services”
Ana Mano Costa
“Integrative Psychiatry: Bridging Conventional and Complementary Therapies for Mental Well-being”
Catarina Cunha
“Preventing Misdiagnosis and Overdiagnosis Through Assurance Cases”
Michael O’Connor
“Adaptation of the Open Dialogue model in a brazilian crisis care group: An experience report”
Brenda S. Vieira
5th International Mental Health Meeting of Romão de Sousa Foundation